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Upgrade your classic skills

If you are a senior NAV developer who is not yet comfortable with the latest versions, this course will bring you up to speed quickly. The course is an overview of what a developer will need to know to transition to the new environment. It is designed as mostly lecture and demo with some hands on labs

Day 1 -  We cover in detail how to understand the differences in the user interface from the classic version. Topics covered include navigation, keystroke shortcuts and the design of the interface. Modifying the interface through development, customization and personalization are described and demonstrated. Also covered is the new Development Environment. This class also takes a look at the new Query object. and introduces the new Reporting functionality.

 Day 2 - The latest Report Writer is introduced as well as the Testing and Debugging functionality, Powershell administration, DotNet as C/AL replacement, combining DotNet with Web Services and Visual Studio for NAV.

This class are for advanced NAV programmers with at least 2 years’ experience in classic versions. Minimum needed to hold class is 2 students.


Price: $1200.00